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New Album: “House Is Where My Heart Is” By Rising Electronic Music Producer, Lompy T

Producing music is bigger than going into a studio and cooking beats. Creating fresh new sounds adds more spice to the magic. Lompy T has brought that spice. He is an up and coming dance music producer who has ventured into varieties of genres in the music space. From house music to drum and bass, Lompy T is gaining grounds.

Lompy T is getting famous for his exquisite and unique music producing skills. He takes elements from his favourite artists and reinvents them into freshly baked tunes by adding a taste of other music styles such as classical and hip hop for the ears of every lover of music.


Music has various doors with secret keys. Most people don’t have that key to the final height. “House is where my heart is” is Lompy T’s recent album that has just been let out of the bag and ready to take you on a different and upgraded level of dance music. The album has the key to that music final height. To get the key, listen on Spotify via https://open.spotify.com/album/2WEbS6H7jO4xuKTRupmlh4?si=XdwuZYG2RJGQzVShuel-vQ

To be a part of Lompy T’s journey, follow his social media handles listed below:







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