Push notification offer a way to not only increase user retention, but also boost engagement. You’re able to influence listeners who may not be in social media or Spotify beating your competitors. Market music fast through visitor subscriptions at a mere click and so swiftly since no email is needed.
According to research, notifications are converted 30 times more than email and most importantly, just like native smartphone push notifications, web push ones occur the same way whether you have the app or not.
Opt-in and push notifications
Successful push notifications require a person to subscribe first by visiting your landing page in Tuneer. That way, opt-in will be possible. Push notifications cannot be sent to a person who hasn’t subscribed.
Step 1: Visit the landing page creator.
Step 2: After filling in the form, choose “Upload” once you’ve added an audio preview.
Generating alert
Step 1: To generate push notifications log into your account and select to “Send push notification”.
Step 2: Once in your account, either send a push notification immediately or schedule it.
Step 3: Ensure the destination link/URL is added, including the message and the title. For best results, notification should be 6 to 8 words (the fewer the words the more the number of individuals who interact with the content). The message should be up to 45 characters and up to 10 characters for the title.
Social media sharing of the landing page
The landing page can now be shared on as many social media networks as possible, from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter to Pinterest and many others. It’s actually possible to use Facebook and Instagram adverts while optimizing them for music to create an automated music marketing engine.
Assessing effectiveness of the marketing campaign
Measuring the effectiveness of your promotion for Spotify is vital. Tuneer offers in-built free-to-use analytics to help you accomplish this. They include CTR (click-through rate), geo-location, clicks, saves and impressions. Tuneer also permit users to add other types of analytic tools such as Google analytics.
Tuneer offer a free subscriber collection plan of below 200 subscribers. For more subscribers, you can upgrade to any paid plan of your own choice.